
Family sessions @ Aj Photography are all about capturing you all as a family, in the studio I aim for a more candid feel and guide the session using prompts to help you all along with the session. These prompts can include ;

Snuggle in, tell each other a secret, hold your baby and jiggle , "tickle monster" (this seems to be the favourite)

I always feel it's so important for us to get in front of the camera so we can all look back on these memories and remember how little they really were, I know myself how caught up in the moments we can be and forget to get in those images!

as well as family sessions, this also covers sitter sessions...

Sitter sessions are usually carried out when your baby can now sit up unaided but not yet on the move. These are the best moments to capture your babies growing personality with all the smilies and serious faces.

These sessions are kept timeless - and all focus remains on your baby.

I have a variety of outfits available to use to suit all sizes which takes away the stress of having to find something for the session.

If you have any questions or would like further information, please use the contact form below and I will respond asap.



10 Digital images 

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25 Digital images

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£25 printing credit



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£60 printing credit


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